Pedal, master-cylinder and servo-brake - Meriva diagram Chevrolet Corsa novo 02/

Pedal, master-cylinder and servo-brake - Meriva
PNCPart codeTitleQuantity
1 94724297  PEDAL clutch and brake assembly 1
1 94724297  PEDAL clutch and brake assembly 1
1 94724297  PEDAL clutch and brake assembly 1
1 94724297  PEDAL clutch and brake assembly 1
1 94724297  PEDAL clutch and brake assembly 1
1 94724297  PEDAL clutch and brake assembly 1
3 90498309  PAD brake pedal 1
3 09191204  PAD brake pedal 1
4 09191205  PAD brake pedal (NLS) 1
5 93328343  BOLT brake actuating tie rod 3
5 93328343  BOLT 3
6 24406998  BOLT brake actuating tie rod 2
6 24406998  BOLT brake actuating tie rod 2
6 93298971  BOLT 1
6 93298971  BOLT 1
7 09185470  RETAINER brake pedal bracket 2
8 90460326  SWITCH brake light 1
9 93305030  SERVO-BRAKE TRW 1
11 90447516  SEAL servo-brake 1
12 93335354  PIN rod 1
13 90576350  RING-RETAINER rod 1
14 90278102  CLAMP rod 1
15 93299176  NUT servo-brake to dash panel 2
20 93367549  COVER reservoir filler neck (included in 23) TRW 1
22 01626260  CLAMP master-cylinder reservoir hose TRW 2
22 01626260  CLAMP master-cylinder reservoir hose TRW 2
23 93393844  BRACKET master-cylinder reservoir upper 1
24 90539036  RETAINER master-cylinder reservoir upper bracket 1
25 93205290  FLUID brake DOT4 (200ml) 1
25 93205290  FLUID brake DOT4 (200ml) 1