Spark-plugs, cables, distributor and coil - carburator diagram Chevrolet Kadett

Scheme Spark-plugs, cables, distributor and coil - carburator Chevrolet Kadett
PNCPart codeTitleQuantity
0 09279238  CLAMP vacuometer tube 1
0 52251392  CLAMP vacuometer tube 1
0 52251392  CLAMP vacuometer tube 1
0 52283055  CLAMP vacuometer tube 1
0 52251392  CLAMP vacuometer tube 1
0 90194572  CLAMP vacuometer tube (NLS) 1
0 52251392  CLAMP vacuometer tube 1
1 94659759  CABLE cylinder Nº 1 spark plug (NLS) 1
2 94659760  CABLE cylinder Nº 2 spark plug (NLS) 1
3 94659761  CABLE cylinder Nº 3 spark plug (NLS) 1
4 94659762  CABLE cylinder Nº 4 spark plug (NLS) 1
5 52273290  KIT spark plug cables (NLS) 1
6 93214605  SPARK-PLUG R42xLS11 (NLS) 4
6 93214600  SPARK-PLUG R41xLS11 (NLS) 4
6 93230926  SPARK-PLUG R41xLS11 4
6 93214600  SPARK-PLUG R41xLS11 (NLS) 4
6 93230927  SPARK-PLUG R44xLS11 4
6 93230927  SPARK-PLUG R44xLS11 4
7 03457673  RETAINER spark plug cables 1
7 93271744  RETAINER spark plug cables (NLS) 1
7 93271744  RETAINER spark plug cables (NLS) 1
8 93267543  BRACKET holder (NLS) 1
8 93267543  BRACKET holder (NLS) 1
9 11508300  BOLT cover to support (NLS) 1
9 11062564  BOLT cover to support (NLS) 1
9 11062564  BOLT cover to support (NLS) 1
9 10022355  BOLT cover to support 1
10 90096076  HOSE vacuometer vacuum tube 1
10 90096076  HOSE vacuometer vacuum tube 1
10 09281471  HOSE vacuum tube (NLS) 2
11 52275764  TUBE feed device vacuum to carburetor (NLS) 1
11 52285992  TUBE vacuometer feed device vacuum (NLS) 1
12 90124885  RING hose protecting (NLS) 1
13 52272652  CLAMP hose (NLS) 1
14 11065281  BOLT clamp to carburetor 1
14 11045121  BOLT clamp to carburetor 1
15 90305460  VALVE brake vacuum retaining (NLS) 1
15 94651625  VALVE brake vacuum retaining (NLS) 1
16 94659763  CABLE ignition coil (NLS) 1
17 93390343  COIL ignition (NLS) 1
17 93390343  COIL ignition (NLS) 1
18 52256081  BRACKET ignition coil (NLS) 1
19 11075321  BOLT ignition coil (NLS) 2
20 94623323  MODULE electronic ignition (NLS) 1
21 52277601  BRACKET ignition module (NLS) 1
22 11012079  WASHER module support (NLS) 2
22 11046362  WASHER module support (NLS) 2
23 93289377  BOLT module to support 2
23 93289377  BOLT module to support 2
24 11041842  BOLT module support 2
25 94659779  DISTRIBUTOR ignition (NLS) 1
25 52251388  DISTRIBUTOR ignition (NLS) 1
25 52251391  DISTRIBUTOR ignition (NLS) 1