Rear axle diagram Chevrolet Kadett

Scheme Rear axle Chevrolet Kadett
PNCPart codeTitleQuantity
1 93222696  "SHAFT rear, assembly, w/ drum brakes" (NLS) 1
2 52272805  "SHAFT rear, partial" (NLS) 1
2 93222695  "SHAFT rear, partial" (NLS) 1
3 90092641  BUSHING rear axle damping 2
3 93257863  BUSHING rear axle damping 2
3 93257863  BUSHING rear axle damping 2
4 93251883  BOLT rear axle to chassis side member (NLS) 2
4 93251883  BOLT rear axle to chassis side member (NLS) 2
5 11071984  NUT rear axle to chassis side member 2
5 11061991  NUT rear axle to chassis side member (NLS) 2
6 94628790  (NLS) 2
7 93203546  BOLT knuckle to axle 8
8 93307045  BEARING rear wheel inner 2
8 93307045  BEARING rear wheel inner 2
9 93307057  SEAL rear wheel hub grease 2
9 93307057  SEAL rear wheel hub grease 2
9 93307057  SEAL rear wheel hub grease 2
9 93307057  SEAL rear wheel hub grease 2
9 93307057  SEAL rear wheel hub grease 2
10 90157011  "HUB rear wheel, w/ inner bearing and seal" 2
10 93261829  "HUB rear wheel, w/ inner bearing and seal" (NLS) 2
11 93307059  BEARING rear wheel outer 2
11 93307059  BEARING rear wheel outer 2
12 90121753  WASHER knuckle lock 2
12 93228289  WASHER knuckle lock 2
13 08967950  NUT knuckle 2
14 11013071  "COTTER-PIN PIN, knuckle nut" 2
15 06696899  RETAINER rear wheel grease 2
15 52046255  RETAINER rear wheel grease 2