Canopy and components - convertible model diagram Chevrolet Kadett

Scheme Canopy and components - convertible model Chevrolet Kadett
PNCPart codeTitleQuantity
0 90349862  HOOK folding-deck protecting cover (NLS) 6
0 90397085  KIT roof inner filling retaining (NLS) 2
0 93268512  KIT roof inner filling retaining 2
0 90349341  KIT folding-deck retaining (NLS) 1
0 93268526  KIT folding-deck retaining 1
0 90348384  KIT folding-deck center stop guide (NLS) 1
0 93268520  KIT folding-deck center stop guide 1
0 93230991  KIT folding-deck rear opening weatherstrip LH (NLS) 1
0 93230992  KIT folding-deck rear opening weatherstrip RH (NLS) 1
0 90348298  KIT folding-deck weatherstrip (NLS) 1
0 93268519  KIT folding-deck weatherstrip 1
0 90392759  LINING folding-deck inner (NLS) 1
0 93268509  LINING folding-deck inner 1
0 93210012  ADHESIVE folding-deck Locktite 454 g rubber (NLS) 1
0 90350230  LOCK folding-deck Locktite adhesive (NLS) 1
0 90273429  KIT folding-deck pressure buttons (NLS) AN
0 93268531  KIT folding-deck pressure buttons AN
0 11029912  WASHER electric folding-deck damper support (NLS) 2
0 90392865  STRAP folding-deck protecting (NLS) 2
0 90273436  PLUG folding-deck inner rear LH (NLS) 1
0 93271593  PLUG folding-deck inner rear LH 1
0 90273437  PLUG folding-deck inner rear RH (NLS) 1
0 93271592  PLUG folding-deck inner rear RH 1
0 93210283  SEAL windshield (NLS) 1
0 90296153  RETAINER folding-deck inner LH (NLS) 1
0 90296154  RETAINER folding-deck inner RH (NLS) 1
0 90392880  GUTTER rear side LH (NLS) 1
0 93271468  GUTTER rear side LH 1
0 90392881  GUTTER rear side RH (NLS) 1
0 93271469  GUTTER rear side RH 1
0 90443776  LOCK manual control folding-deck safety LH (NLS) 1
0 90443777  LOCK manual control folding-deck safety RH (NLS) 1
0 90296444  BOLT door opening front weatherstrip (NLS) 7
0 93268720  BOLT door opening front weatherstrip 7
1 90392660  "COVER roof manual control w/ hardware, filling" 1
1 93224575  "COVER roof electric control w/ hardware, inner filling" (NLS) 1
1 93229423  COVER roof outer black (NLS) 1
2 90272519  HOOK folding-deck lock (NLS) 2
2 93268537  HOOK folding-deck lock 2
3 90296366  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck rear opening LH (NLS) 1
3 90296367  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck rear opening RH (NLS) 1
4 90296368  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck rear column LH (NLS) 1
4 90296369  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck rear column RH (NLS) 1
5 90350234  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck structure LH (NLS) 1
5 90350235  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck structure RH (NLS) 1
6 90297489  SEAL folding-deck structure LH (NLS) 1
6 90297490  SEAL folding-deck structure RH (NLS) 1
7 90273426  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck structure upper (NLS) 2
9 93210095  WEATHERSTRIP door opening rear LH (NLS) 1
9 93210096  WEATHERSTRIP door opening rear RH (NLS) 1
10 90392890  WEATHERSTRIP center column rear LH (NLS) 1
10 93271609  WEATHERSTRIP center column rear LH 1
10 90392891  WEATHERSTRIP center column rear RH (NLS) 1
10 93271610  WEATHERSTRIP center column rear RH 1
11 93210297  WEATHERSTRIP door opening front LH (NLS) 1
11 93210298  WEATHERSTRIP door opening front RH (NLS) 1
12 93210280  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck rest windshield upper (NLS) 1
13 90350232  KIT door terminal LH (NLS) 1
13 90350233  KIT door terminal RH (NLS) 1
14 90350231  KIT windshield washers and bolts (NLS) 1
14 93268527  KIT windshield washers and bolts 1
15 90349930  LOCK folding-deck LH (NLS) 1
15 90349931  LOCK folding-deck RH (NLS) 1
16 90295734  STRAP folding-deck tensioning LH (NLS) 2
16 90295735  STRAP folding-deck tensioning RH (NLS) 2
16 93268521  STRAP folding-deck tensioning RH 2
17 90296619  PIN folding-deck belt support (NLS) 2
17 90296619  PIN rear glass supporting belt (NLS) 1
18 90349928  COVER center bar side LH (NLS) 1
18 90349929  COVER center bar side RH (NLS) 1
19 11085861  BOLT side cover 4
20 90272452  MOLDING center bar outer LH (NLS) 1
20 93268733  MOLDING center bar outer LH 1
20 90272453  MOLDING center bar outer RH (NLS) 1
20 93268734  MOLDING center bar outer RH 1
21 90273438  BRACKET folding-deck rear window LH (NLS) 1
21 90273439  BRACKET folding-deck rear window RH (NLS) 1
22 90297508  BELT folding-deck side LH (NLS) 1
22 90349881  BELT folding-deck inner side (NLS) 1
23 90295736  STRUCTURE folding-deck side (NLS) 2
24 93274605  WASHER rear window control (NLS) 4
24 93274605  WASHER rear window control (NLS) 4
25 90273442  PIN rear window control lever (NLS) 4
25 93268530  PIN rear window control lever 4
26 93212005  WASHER rear window control (NLS) 8
27 90273447  LEVER rear window control (NLS) 1
27 93268724  LEVER rear window control 1
28 93212216  WASHER rear window control rotating (NLS) 4
29 90369353  GUIDE folding-deck outer side string LH (NLS) 1
29 90369354  GUIDE folding-deck outer side string RH (NLS) 1
30 NR (NLS) AN
31 93294718  BOLT folding-deck to body 6
32 93210338  WASHER folding-deck to body (NLS) 6
33 93210063  SPACER cover to folding-deck (NLS) 2
34 93210288  BOLT folding-deck cover (NLS) 2
34 93210289  BOLT folding-deck cover side (NLS) 2
35 93210291  BUTTON folding-deck cover retainer (NLS) 2
36 90369235  COVER folding-deck lock LH (NLS) 1
36 90369236  COVER folding-deck lock RH (NLS) 1
37 93294718  PIN folding-deck cover lock 2
38 90392677  SHOCK-ABSORVER folding-deck gas (NLS) 2
38 93269936  SHOCK-ABSORVER folding-deck gas 2
39 93269948  GUIDE folding-deck damper rod 2
39 90392678  GUIDE folding-deck damper rod (NLS) 2
40 BOLT folding-deck damper guide NR (NLS) AN
41 93210242  NUT folding-deck damper pin (NLS) 2
42 94722382  WASHER folding-deck damper 2
42 94722382  WASHER folding-deck damper 2
42 94627397  WASHER folding-deck damper guide 2
43 93210329  PIN folding-deck damper (NLS) 2
44 00147579  WASHER folding-deck damper pin 2
44 00510851  WASHER folding-deck damper pin (NLS) 2
44 94722399  WASHER folding-deck damper pin 2
45 90296560  BRACKET folding-deck cover inner front LH (NLS) 1
45 90296561  BRACKET folding-deck cover inner front RH (NLS) 1
46 93210862  LEVER folding-deck lock LH (NLS) 1
46 93210863  LEVER folding-deck lock RH (NLS) 1
47 90296621  HANDLE folding-deck lock black (NLS) 2
47 93268721  HANDLE folding-deck lock black 2
48 93268539  SPRING folding-deck lock RH 1
48 90349022  SPRING folding-deck lock LH (NLS) 1
48 90349023  SPRING folding-deck lock RH (NLS) 1
49 90297493  CLAMP folding-deck release lever (NLS) AN
49 93268515  CLAMP folding-deck release lever AN
50 93294718  BOLT lock lever 2
51 90348253  TIE-ROD folding-deck side pad (NLS) 2
51 93268516  TIE-ROD folding-deck side pad 2
52 93210321  PIN folding-deck side pad (NLS) 2
53 93210322  WASHER folding-deck tie-pin (NLS) 2
54 93210318  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck inner stop (NLS) 2
54 90296150  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck retaining (NLS) 2
54 93268523  WEATHERSTRIP folding-deck retaining 2
55 93210320  CLIP inner stop molding (NLS) 8
56 07324110  NUT retaining molding 4
57 93251956  NUT control cable 2
69 90392665  COVER folding-deck protecting black (NLS) 1