Alternator attachment diagram Chevrolet Vectra 06/

Scheme Alternator attachment Chevrolet Vectra 06/
PNCPart codeTitleQuantity
1 93343869  BRACKET alternator 1
1 24579090  BRACKET alternator 1
1 93343868  BRACKET alternator 1
1 90531326  BRACKET alternator 1
1 93312954  BRACKET alternator 1
2 93299106  BOLT alternator bracket M10x55 2
2 93335342  BOLT alternator bracket M10x55 2
3 09202758  BOLT alternator M10x125 1
3 11093141  BOLT alternator M10x125 1
4 93308972  NUT bolt 1
5 90469612  ARM front assembly 1
6 90499376  ARM front assembly 1
7 11096811  BOLT M8x20 1
8 93251872  BOLT M8x21 1
8 93251872  BOLT M8x21 1
9 11096811  BOLT M8x20 3
10 90411689  ARM alternator rear 1
11 90411690  ARM alternator rear 1
13 93347379  BELT 1
13 93371352  BELT alternator 1
13 93268090  BELT alternator and compressor 1
13 93347379  BELT alternator and compressor 1
14 93375464  TENSIONER belt 1
14 90530764  TENSIONER belt 1
14 24412292  TENSIONER belt 1
15 93295334  BOLT tensioner M8x25 2
15 09158146  BOLT tensioner 1
15 93295334  BOLT tensioner M8x25 2
15 09157949  BOLT tensioner 1
16 11098291  BOLT M10x50 (NLS) 1
17 93302612  PULLEY belt 1
17 94700296  PULLEY belt 1