Alternator attachment (Diesel) diagram Chevrolet Zafira

Scheme Alternator attachment (Diesel) Chevrolet Zafira
PNCPart codeTitleQuantity
1 90529914  BELT alternator and compressor (NLS) 1
1 24413294  BELT alternator and compressor 1
1 90502735  BELT alternator (NLS) 1
2 BOLT drive belt tensor NR (NLS) AN
3 93358882  BOLT drive belt tensor (NLS) 1
4 09202758  BOLT alternator bracket 2
4 11093141  BOLT alternator bracket 2
4 93315737  BOLT alternator bracket 2
5 93251986  NUT alternator bracket (NLS) 2
6 09180809  TENSIONER belt 1
7 09300669  WASHER drive belt tensor 1